I stumbled across the advertisement above the other day and found it to be of interest for a couple of reasons.
1. The allocation of the big big billion dollar number for the bailout of financial institutions is just that – a big number.
1. The allocation of the big big billion dollar number for the bailout of financial institutions is just that – a big number.
2. There seems to be a gap between where and how the allocation and approved funds will be used within the financial sector as recently as yesterday.
3. The monies are available but it seems that perhaps there is a lack of folks to oversee and figure out how to use the approved funds.
4. I wish I was able to beg for money, get the money and then worry about who would oversee its use after I had it – which means theoretically I could use at least part of it at my discretion and worry about the consequences or figure out a way to justify the said use at a later point in time….
Maybe I am just a tad cynical…I am sure all of the funds will be properly and appropriately dispersed in due time…
The terms accountability, integrity and reliability are not exactly terms I have associated with the financial industry, but I suppose I should broaden my horizon.
BTW, do you know anyone looking to buy ice in Alaska…sand in the desert perhaps…
Well, just remember, Paulson was supposed to be the person who knew more than anyone how the money would be allocated, and last Wednesday he said "Ooops, never mind, reset, we'll use it to invest in banks instead of buying up toxic loan packages." Everyone's making it up as they go along.
pretty scary stuff isn;t it Loring?
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